Saturday, June 25, 2011

J.K. Rowling Announces Pottermore

On the 23rd, author J.K. Rowling announced what the secretive project of Pottermore was!

My thought of an online store exclusively for Harry Potter wasn't that far off, actually. Rowling stated in her announcement that it'll be a "fun, safe" and exciting place for fans of Harry Potter to come and enjoy. She'll be sharing things about the HP world that she'd kept to herself for years. Apparently we're also able to take part in the story and become a student at Hogwarts! It seems to be taking the form of an online game...(it's powered by Sony's make.believe, so it's highly plausible.)

Also, we'll be able to finally buy eBooks of the Harry Potter series! Wooo! I know I'm excited. How about you?

If you haven't watched the video, I've embedded it below. ;D Also, go check out the Pottermore website for a chance to enter early. Or, if you're not interested in entering early, you can submit your email for a notification when sign up is ready in October.

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