Friday, July 29, 2011

Follow Friday (5)


It's Friday again, and you know what that means.... ;]

This Friday's Feature is Megan over @ The Book Addicted Girl on Parajunkee's blog, and The Little Book Blog on Alison Can Read's blog! So you should go check them out and follow 'em! Now, for the question...

Q. Let's step away from books for a second and get personal. What T-Shirt slogan best describes you?

I don't really pay attention to t-shirt slogans at all, so I had to go google some and look at some more at Cafe press. In the end, I found these; (I couldn't pick just one...)

I picked this one because you know...I like books and fantasy worlds better than reality. xD

I threaten my friends with this occasionally. And I'm always writing, so it completely works for me.

I like to be evil sometimes. In a purely fun way, of course. But I use this phrase all the time so I saw it fit to include it. :D
So, what are your picks?


  1. These are some of my favs! LOL

    New follower!

    Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

  2. Hopping through. Love the Dark Side/Cookies shirt. I hope they're chocolate cookies.
    My Hop


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